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That Added Touch 2012

Enticing Palate Tempters

I have drawn my material for a rich variety of delectable treats inspired by well designed food that is both structurally enticing and textually evocative.  My work celebrates the visual appeal of food presentation and the gastronomic beauty of extravagant cakes the world over.

Through my use of tapestry weaving and machine embroidery, I communicate both the bold and the delicate.  My work also aims to encompass the architectural grandeur and the sensual nature of decorative cakes.

This work includes a series of woven tapestries and machine embroideries drawing on my time spent in New York City in 2013.  The experience of spending a few weeks in New York fuelled a great desire to interpret the texture of this teeming city with bold colours of woven wool and the intricate meanderings of machine embroidery stitches.

I also undertook an intensive 'plein air,' painting workshop at the New York Studio School.  The workshop, located at Old Westbury Gardens on Long Island created an intense contrast to the teeming metropolis and became my sanctuary.  My oil paintings were further developed into finely detailed tapestries and embroideries.

Made in New York 2016

Hustle, Bustle......and Sanctuary

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